377 COVID-19 deaths recorded in Ghana with 3,813 active cases

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Five more COVID-19 patients have died in Ghana shooting the country’s total fatalities to 377 as of January 23, 2021, officials have confirmed.

According to data available on the Ghana Health Service’s webpage the 616 new cases have been recorded bringing the number of active cases 3,813.

The West African country has so far confirmed 62,751 COVID-19 related infections in all 16 regions with 58, 561 recoveries.

The country’s administrative capital, Accra still leads with 11, 827 cases.

Already there have been public clamour to reimpose restrictions and lockdowns following a surge in the number of active COVID cases in Ghana.

Others also believe a lockdown could slow the economy down.

Regional Breakdowns

Source: Daily Mail GH

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