Ablakwa: Legislation to prohibit legislators from purchasing state assets coming soon

Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa

Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, Member of Parliament for North Tongu, has affirmed his commitment to introducing a private members bill aimed at preventing legislators and government officials from purchasing state assets, emphasizing the need for transparency and accountability in public office.


In an interview on The Pulse on JoyNews, Ablakwa detailed his efforts to advance this legislation in the eighth Parliament, stressing its importance in ensuring that elected officials do not personally benefit from state asset sales.


“We want this bill to be ready in this Parliament. That is why at our press conference today, we appealed to the President to stand by to endorse it. We don’t want him to intervene as he has with other private members bills by instructing his secretary to issue cease and desist letters,” Ablakwa stated on June 17.


Highlighting loopholes in current legislation meant to prevent conflicts of interest among officials, Ablakwa underscored the necessity for a comprehensive and explicit legal framework to address these issues effectively.


“I am proposing a private members legislation and work is advancing very impressively. We want to eliminate the exploitation of grey areas. Even though our constitution prohibits conflicts of interest, people are still finding ways to exploit these loopholes,” he explained.


Ablakwa clarified that his push for this legislation was not influenced by the ownership of Rock City Hotel by a member of the New Patriotic Party (NPP). He emphasized that his motivation stemmed from a commitment to safeguarding state assets for future generations.


“When state assets are entrusted to us to manage on behalf of all, why limit it to just six hotels? Why not increase it to eight, ten, or twelve? We need to leave behind a legacy for our children and their children to be proud of. We have a responsibility to protect and enhance these assets, not just sell them off,” Ablakwa asserted passionately.


Meanwhile, Ablakwa is preparing to lead a demonstration against the sale of four hotels owned by the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) to Rock City Hotel Limited on June 18. He believes that such protests will exert pressure on the President to reconsider the sale and uphold public interest over private gain.

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