Ablakwa to petition Speaker Bagbin over Bryan Acheampong’s SSNIT hotels bid


MP to Petition Speaker over Minister’s Alleged Violation of Constitutional Provisions


Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, Member of Parliament for North Tongu, has announced his intention to petition the Speaker of Parliament concerning allegations that Dr. Bryan Acheampong, Member of Parliament for Abetifi and Minister of Agriculture, failed to seek permission from the Speaker’s office before attempting to purchase SSNIT’s shares in four hotels.


Ablakwa has already taken steps to petition the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) to investigate and halt the sale of Labadi Beach Hotel, La Palm Royal Beach Resort, Elmina Beach Resort, and Ridge Royal Hotel to Dr. Bryan Acheampong.


In an interview with Citi News, Ablakwa expressed confidence in the Speaker’s ability to address the matter appropriately, stating:


“I intend to bring this development to the attention of the Speaker, that a Member of Parliament and a Minister of State has violated Article 78 and Article 98 of the Constitution. Its authority has been undermined. And it is because of developments like this, where there will be a conflict of interest, the constitutional provision is very clear, because in that process you must prove that the business transaction you are going to engage in will not lead to a conflict of interest.


That is the same as what the Constitution provides. And yes, SSNIT did not check if Bryan Acheampong had the Speaker’s permission to engage in that transaction.


“Bryan Acheampong also violently violated those constitutional provisions. So I am going to bring this to the attention of the Speaker, and I hope that the Speaker will crack the whip in this matter.”

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