AFAG urges John Mahama to acknowledge failures and apologize to Ghanaians



The Alliance for Accountable Governance (AFAG) has called on former President John Mahama to confront his past shortcomings and apologize to the Ghanaian people. AFAG has criticized Mahama’s return to politics as opportunistic and marked by policy inconsistencies.

The group pointed to Mahama’s 2016 statement where he claimed that “4 years is not enough for any president” and highlighted that the constitution allows for a second term. AFAG questions Mahama’s current bid for re-election, given that he is seeking another term despite having only served one four-year term. They suggest that his re-election campaign may be motivated more by personal ambition than a genuine commitment to public service.

AFAG also emphasized that the economic difficulties resulting from Mahama’s previous administration continue to impact Ghanaians. They assert that Mahama should take responsibility for his past failures and offer a heartfelt apology to the nation.




Below is the full statement by AFAG


John Mahama Must Admit His Failure and Apologize to Ghanaians – AFAG


Former President Mahama’s comeback is beset by opportunism and incoherent policies. In 2016, former President John Mahama told the people of Ghana that “4 years is not enough for any president”, adding that “the framers of the constitution were well aware of that and therefore gave an option for a second term for sitting presidents”. One may wonder why, knowing very well that he has only one 4-year term left. Is his quest for re-election an issue of ego or ambition?


We are still beset by the economic havoc that the erstwhile John Mahama administration plunged Ghana into during their days is still lingering in the minds of many well-meaning Ghanaians.


Fortunately, not all of us have short memories. It is only fair and proper that John Mahama admits that he failed the citizens of this country and apologizes to Ghanaians for his failure.


President John Mahama has not changed. It is the same “dead goat.” No new vision, new message to the people, and no clearly explained policies for the future of this country. It seems to be the same old magniloquence and rhetoric. Nothing new. Nothing to look forward to. This situation gives AFAG the impression that John Mahama is living in the past.


As the leader of the main opposition party, we expect that you would acknowledge that things are not as they used to be both locally and internationally. COVID-19 happened, and the ensuing global pandemic forced nearly 90 percent of the world economy to go under some form of lockdown, disrupting supply chains, depressing consumer demand, and putting millions out of work. The whole world is still reeling from the impact of that situation.


As the opposition leader, we expect that you’ll profess tangible and achievable solutions to deal with the new order. This politics of constantly repeating the same old narratives over and again has become stale and tasteless. It is as if he hasn’t learned from the obvious patterns that occasioned and eventually resulted in the defeats he suffered in the last 2 elections.


AFAG believes that the endless repetition of the same stories by John Mahama is not healthy for the continuous growth of our democracy. What is his way forward for the nation?


AFAG would like to implore John Mahama to raise the political conversation beyond the out-of-date politics and focus on more essential issues that will likely affect us locally if we do not plug into the ever-growing global happenings. The era of “tso boi” politics in Ghana should end. The rest of the world is leaving us behind. We must catch up.


AFAG will ensure that you’re held accountable for your deeds in the past and at the same time, keep an eye on the quality of your goals for the future, given that you have only one 4-year term to serve, if Ghanaians accept your unqualified apology for your misdeeds.


God bless our homeland Ghana and make our nation strong.



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