Akufo-Addo affirms commitment to due process in corruption battle, tells Mahama


President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has reiterated his stance against accusations of being a “clearing agent” in response to allegations of corruption leveled against some of his appointees.


In addressing former President John Mahama’s persistent allegations, President Akufo-Addo underscored his administration’s unwavering commitment to upholding due process and principles of justice in the ongoing fight against corruption.


Mahama has repeatedly labeled President Akufo-Addo as a “clearing agent” in light of corruption allegations directed at former Sanitation Minister Cecilia Abena Dapaah and other government appointees.


During the commissioning of the new Law House in Accra on Monday, June 10, President Akufo-Addo addressed these accusations, stating, “…I am sure we are all aware of the statement by the former president and perennial NDC presidential candidate John Dramani Mahama stigmatizing me as a clearing agent because for him mere allegation without more is enough to merit condemnation of an accused public official. Especially one of my administration.”


He continued, emphasizing his unwavering commitment to due process and the rules of natural justice in the fight against corruption, stating, “For my part and let me state it again for the record, I will not set aside due process and the rules of natural justice on the altar of the fight against corruption no matter how much opprobrium this position incurs for me.”

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