Akufo-Addo: Politicians breaking the law in 2024 Election to face punishment


President Nana Akufo-Addo has issued a stern warning, vowing to uphold the law and mete out appropriate consequences to any political party or presidential candidate found in breach ahead of the December elections.


Addressing attendees at the commissioning of The Law House in Accra on Monday, June 10, President Akufo-Addo underscored his administration’s unwavering stance against legal violations within the political sphere.


He reassured the nation of his commitment to preserving law and order, particularly as Ghana approaches the pivotal December polls. Akufo-Addo emphasized that the law will be applied uniformly to safeguard the peace, security, and stability of the country from any potential threats posed by political ambitions.


“I want to use the opportunity on this platform to reassure the Ghanaian people that law enforcement agencies of the state, including the office of the Attorney General, will do all within their power to ensure that law and order prevail in the country at all times, especially in this critical election year,” affirmed President Akufo-Addo.


“We will not allow the peace, security, and stability of the nation, which make Ghana a beacon on the African continent, to be compromised on the altar of the ambitions of any political party or presidential candidate. It will not happen,” he declared unequivocally.


The commissioning of The Law House, a ten-storey structure adjacent to the High Court complex, marked a significant milestone in Ghana’s legal infrastructure. This modern facility, officially unveiled by the President, will serve as the new office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Justice.


Commenced in 2001 and revitalized in January 2023, the project boasts state-of-the-art amenities, including conference rooms, office spaces, parking lots, and dining facilities, symbolizing Ghana’s commitment to advancing its legal system and promoting justice and accountability.

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