Amoabeng: Ghana needs leaders with integrity to combat corruption and emigration crisis


Captain Prince Kofi Amoabeng (RTD), the former CEO of UT Holdings and founder of the PK Amoabeng Leadership Foundation, has expressed serious concerns about the nation’s leadership. He calls for the rise of resilient and visionary leaders to elevate Ghana to new heights.


Criticizing the current leadership for its flaws and ineffectiveness, Amoabeng advocates for a new direction defined by integrity, honesty, and universal respect. He highlights widespread corruption and the trend of citizens emigrating in search of better prospects as critical issues requiring immediate attention.


At a stakeholder event in Accra celebrating his life and work on Saturday, Amoabeng emphasized the need for leadership that can positively impact people’s lives and reshape the country’s narrative. He conveyed the necessity for leaders who embody the correct mindset, uphold respect for every individual, and are truly dedicated to eradicating prevalent corruption, fixing broken systems, and addressing economic disparities that benefit a select few while driving away numerous industries and promising young talents.


“Authentic leadership is about fostering trust and motivating individuals to work towards a shared goal,” he stated, citing successful leadership models in countries like China, Singapore, and Rwanda. He urged the adoption of similar leadership qualities in Ghana, stressing the need for leaders who are modest, fervent, and committed to enacting positive change.


Amoabeng expressed optimism for a new cadre of leaders capable of revolutionizing Ghana’s destiny and guiding it on a path of p rogress.

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