Ashanti youth group fumes over Ablakwa’s alleged ‘anti-Akan bigotry’


Members of the Ashanti Democratic Youth for Justice (ADYJ) have strongly condemned what it describes as the “dishonourable and ethnocentric” politics of NDC MP for North Tongu Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, accusing him of perpetuating anti-Akan sentiments.

The group has expressed deep concern over Mr Ablakwa’s alleged pattern of targeting individuals of Akan descent in his political attacks. They claim that the lawmaker’s actions are divisive and undermine the principles of elective governance as prescribed by Ghana’s Fourth Republican Constitution.

“Okudzeto Ablakwa in his usual ethnocentric style of politicking is at it once again,” said George Opoku Amponsah, the leader of the group. “[Ablakwa] has consistently singled out people from Akan extraction for his dubious attacks, including notable figures such as the Minister for Justice and Attorney General Godfred Yeboah Dame, and the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Kwaku Ampratwum-Sarpong.”

The ADYJ further highlighted several instances where they believe Mr Ablakwa has engaged in what they term “hate politics,” including his alleged false claims against various Akan politicians and business leaders. They also accused him of attempting to discredit significant national projects initiated by the current government.

The group criticized Ablakwa’s alleged support for foreign entities over local businesses and referenced past controversies involving Ablakwa, such as his involvement in the Alfred Woyome judgment debt case and the Iso Foton SA scandal.

The ADYJ called for unity and urged Ghanaians to reject what they see as Ablakwa’s divisive tactics. They emphasized the importance of leadership that promotes national cohesion and the well-being of all citizens, regardless of ethnic background.

“Truth is, Okudzeto Ablakwa is a tribal and ethnic bigot who puts his Ewe tribe ahead of every other ethnic group,” stated Amponsah. “His anti-Akan politics deliberate attrition is becoming rather worrying. He has no genuine feelings for this country, its people, or anything that doesn’t project his narrow myopic view.”


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