Bawumia urges against voting for Mahama, citing accountability concerns


Dr. Mahamadu Bawumia, the flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), has called on Ghanaians to reject John Dramani Mahama, the candidate from the National Democratic Congress (NDC), in the upcoming December 7 elections.


Dr. Bawumia asserts that he is the best choice for advancing the country and ensuring accountability. During a meeting with clergy in the Northern Region, he argued that electing Mahama would be a mistake because Mahama would only serve a single four-year term and would lack the incentive to be accountable to the people.


“For me, because I am looking for an 8-year term, I have to work very hard in the first four years so that when I come back, you will say, ‘Oh yes, you did what you said you were going to do. We will give you another four years,'” Bawumia explained.


He contrasted this with Mahama’s potential presidency, stating, “But for my main opponent [John Dramani Mahama], when you give him four years, that is it. He doesn’t have to come back again. You won’t see him again, especially after he takes his honeymoon, you will not see him after four years.”


Dr. Bawumia concluded, “So you will get more accountability from me than from him.”

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