‘Bury the dead goat’: Ghanaians urged to reject Mahama and choose Bawumia on election day


Ghanaian voters have been urged to consider the achievements of the Akufo-Addo-Bawumia government when making their decision on election day.

A research team affiliated with global NGO, Napo Inspires, is leading this call emphasizing the leadership qualities required to navigate the challenges facing the nation.

The team maintains that despite the global economic downturn, the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) has maintained essential services such as the Free Senior High School (FSHS) program, which the opposition criticized as unsustainable.

They also point to the revitalization of the National Health Insurance Scheme, massive investments in road infrastructure, and the government’s digital transformation initiatives as evidence of effective governance.

The group however tore into the tenure of former President John Mahama describing his leadership as one of the darkest periods in Ghana’s political history. They cited the energy crisis, IMF bailout, and public sector strikes as key failures arguing that the country cannot afford to return to what they describe as a “rotten and stinking” era.

Dr Bawumia, they assert, has achieved more as Vice President than Mahama did as both Vice President and President, making the upcoming election a clear choice between progress and regression.

“From the foregoing, it is clear that we should bury the dead goat on 7 December…The future of Ghana is better in the hands of the Bawumia-Napo alliance”.

Read the full statement here:


“Nyansapo wosane no badwemma” to wit: Complicated knots are loosened (or untied) by wise men.

This Akan proverb has become quite important to help Ghanaian voters decide on 7th December, 2024.

As Ghanaians vote on December 7, voters should bare in mind that, in the face of global economic meltdown, the Nana-Bawumia government has ensured that SHS students continue attend school for Free even when there were loud calls from the opposition for Government to reconsider the policy due to its impact on the economy, to the opposition FSHS wasn’t sustainable. Health Insurance which went on its knees under JM has become vibrant again.

The Nana-Bawumia’s government records in road infrastructure is unmatched. Every district, municipality and metropolitan have witnessed massive road construction. This government has constructed over 4 interchanges and 7 flyovers nationwide. The 27 years of NDC history cannot boast of more than 3 interchanges in the country.
The Akufo-Addo government rolled out many digital infrastructural projects and programs, ensured the continuous flow of crude products, kept our lights on for 8years, recruited more people into the public sector than any other government in our history, resourced most state institutions particularly, the security services, restored nursing and teacher training allowance, increased public sector wages, constructed the Kumase and Tamale interchanges, revamped our Ambulance Service, recruited more into the security services than any government.

Again, this Akufo-Addo government has built more educational and health infrastructure than any government etc. etc.

Obviously amid the apparent economic slowdown Ghana has faced over the last couple of months the country, didn’t go into recession, there was no retrenchment of public sector workers. In fact, the period has witnessed more recruitment to the sector. We never encountered a single case of fuel and basic necessities shortage.

This is why the popular popular Akan proverb “Nyansapo wosane no badwemma” to wit: Complicated knots are loosened (or untied) by wise men suffice in Ghana’s upcoming elections. Countries always go through challenges but how leadership addresses the challenges is what matters.

JM’s Legacy

Four years under JM was one of the darkest period in our politics even when there was no global economic crisis, JM took us to the IMF. This resulted in the removal of subsidies on Electricity and, Petroleum products. Under JM there was a ban recruitment of public sector workers. Of course JM left an everlasting legacy, Ghana witness it’s worse energy crisis under this man whom they are repainting to sell to voters as a new person. Numerous Companies collapsed due to the 4 years power crisis.

Some of JM’s policy decision to address this economic quagmire was to introduce 3 months pay policy, cancellation of nursing and teacher training allowance. Under JM there were uncountable strikes and agitations in the public sector. Even schools were deprived of common chalks. Suffice to say at the time there was nothing like Free SHS. Unemployment was worse under JM, this was the time in which we first witnessed the creation of unemployed associations in the country. During the government of JM he could not even pay the salaries of less than 200 junior doctors, prompting them to go on demonstrations.

When JM was Vice President, then President Mills initiated an investigation over corruption for his role in the Airbus saga, as President his name came up in various corruption scandals, with the famous being the Ford saga.

Let me make it clear that The list of JM’s failures and the positives of the Nana Bawumia government are not exhaustive enough in this write-up but at least this should help the memory of the average voter to understand our current political situation.

Indeed we may have a short memory but we have not forgotten.

Dr. Bawumia as Vice President has achieved more than what JM achieved as both Vice President and President. None can compare the records of Jane Opoku Agyeman to Napo. Jane was an abysmal failure that her name came up for dismissal until Amissah-Arthur.

This is what Napo means when he says Ghana would chose between light and darkness on 7th December.

From the foregoing it is evidently clear that we should bury the dead goat on 7th December because it’s rotten and stinking. The future of Ghana is better in the hands of the Bawumia-Napo alliance.

Another Akan proverb states that “Deɛ wɔ foro dua pa na yɛ pia no” (we support those who are on a good course).

Credit: Napo_Inspires Research Team


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