Election 2024: Mahama vows to ban mining in forest reserves if Elected president

John Mahama
John Mahama

John Dramani Mahama, the flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has declared that under the next NDC government, Ghana’s forest reserves will be strictly off-limits to mining activities.

Speaking during a public lecture at the Christian Service University in Kumasi, Mahama stressed that the country’s mineral exploration must not compromise the preservation of its vegetative cover.


He emphasized the importance of responsible mining practices and committed to restoring water bodies that have been polluted by illegal mining activities.


“I will ban all mining in forest reserves because I believe that many of the trees in the reserves, which are more than 700 years old, are more precious assets than any mineral that lies beneath them,” Mahama stated. He added that Ghana’s forest reserves are more valuable than any minerals they might contain and vowed to protect them from depletion.

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