GHS launches probe into alleged abandonment of patient in Ojobi bush


The Ghana Health Service (GHS) has initiated an investigation into allegations that a patient from Winneba Trauma Hospital was abandoned in a bush in Gomoa Ojobi, located in the Central Region.


According to early media reports, the patient, who was admitted to the Trauma and Specialist Hospital in Winneba, was transported by ambulance to Ojobi, which she claimed was her hometown, after her relatives failed to appear. She was allegedly left there in a wheelchair and was later found deceased.


In a statement released on Friday, June 14, the GHS said, “The Service, upon receiving this disturbing news, has initiated investigations into the matter to establish the authenticity or otherwise of the story in line with the existing practices in the public service to enable it to take appropriate action(s).”


The GHS has appealed to the public for patience and assured Ghanaians that anyone found to be involved in this tragic incident will face severe consequences in accordance with the Ghana Health Service code of conduct.


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