Kaleo SHTS students and teachers suffer as contractor abandons Science Lab Project




Students and teachers at Kaleo Senior High Technical School (KASHTS) in the Nadowli-Kaleo District of the Upper West Region have been without a well-equipped and functional science laboratory since 2016, significantly affecting student performance.


Founded in 1991 by the Catholic Church, KASHTS serves a student body of 1,638 and offers courses including General Science, General Arts, Home Economics, Agriculture, Building & Construction, Wood Works, and Metal Work. Despite its role as a pure science school and participation in the National Science and Maths Quiz competition, the institution faces severe infrastructural deficits.


The school’s current science lab, established 33 years ago, is outdated and inadequately sized for the growing student population. This situation is compounded by overcrowded dormitories for girls and a shortage of classroom space.


In 2016, the government initiated the construction of a new science laboratory to address these issues. By 2017, the project was about 90% complete, with only the installation of equipment remaining. However, the contractor abandoned the project due to delays in payment, and the work has since stalled.


Sylvester Sungbaahee, Head of the Science Department and a former student of KASHTS, explained, “The deplorable state of the old science lab causes significant inconveniences for both teachers and students, making it difficult to conduct essential experiments. The lack of a properly equipped laboratory is undermining the government’s efforts to strengthen STEM education in the country.”


Students also voiced their frustrations. Bacho Timotay Naasotin, a chemistry student, said, “The absence of a well-equipped science lab is a major factor in our poor performance in the National Science and Maths Quiz competition. We are forced to use outdated equipment in a lab that was designed for a much smaller number of students.”


Anwull Joyce, a Form Three General Science student, added, “Whenever a teacher sets up for an experiment, it can take up to 30 minutes, and by the time they start, the next teacher is already waiting to use the same lab. This situation severely impacts our studies.”


Angsie Jacob, an Agric student, lamented, “Our science practical sessions are weak, and as the saying goes, practice makes perfect. However, the current conditions are worsening our educational experience.”


Authorities at KASHTS have made numerous attempts to bring the contractor back to complete the project but have been unsuccessful.


Sylvester Sungbaahee made a heartfelt plea to the government, saying, “We urgently need the government to intervene and summon the contractor to finalize the construction of the new science lab. This is crucial for providing our students with the quality education they deserve.”


The absence of a functional science laboratory at KASHTS underscores the broader challenges facing STEM education in Ghana and highlights the urgent need for government action to support educational infrastructure.



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