Kan-Dapaah to Ghanaians: Cease attacks on soldiers and security officers


National Security Minister Albert Kan-Dapaah has urged Ghanaians to refrain from attacking members of the nation’s security services.


Speaking at a meeting with traditional leaders in the Northern Region, Kan-Dapaah emphasized that the practice of assaulting men and women in uniform must cease immediately. He stressed the importance of providing security personnel with the necessary support to perform their duties effectively.


“This is the time Ghanaians must learn to appreciate and support the work of the security agencies, the soldiers, the police, the immigration officers, the prison officers, and all the institutions that are involved in providing security,” Kan-Dapaah stated.


He underscored the value of the essential services provided by Ghana’s security personnel, adding, “They are the people who have made it possible for us to feel secure. Going forward, they are the people who provide the necessary services for us to feel secure.”


Kan-Dapaah concluded by saying, “It shouldn’t happen that whatever the provocation, you should attack a police officer or a soldier or an immigration officer or an intelligence officer.”

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