Ken Agyapong turns 64; makes huge donation to Kumasi Children’s Home


Former New Patriotic Party (NPP) flagbearer hopeful and MP for Assin Central Kennedy Agyapong celebrated his 64th birthday by making a generous donation to the Kumasi Children’s Home.

The donation, which was made on Sunday (16 June), included toiletries, assorted food items, clothing, teaching and learning materials and other necessities. The occasion also coincided with this year’s ‘Fathers’ Day’ and the Muslim festival of Eid-ul-Adhar.

Led by Lawyer William Kusi, Agyapong’s former campaign coordinator, the donation included essential items such as toiletries, assorted food items, clothing, teaching and learning materials, and other necessities. Kusi, speaking on behalf of the NPP stalwart emphasized the significance of the donation in contributing to the welfare of the children at the home.

“Kennedy Agyapong is 64 today and he has decided to mark this day with orphans. He has always been a father for all of us, and so for that reason, we are here today on his behalf to make this donation and also tell Ghanaians that we should not give up,” said Kusi.

He highlighted Agyapong’s message of resilience and hope, sharing that despite facing numerous challenges, including dropping out of school and growing up in a poor household, Agyapong has achieved significant success. This message of perseverance and determination is what Agyapong wants to impart to the children at the Home.

Kusi added, “He is making this donation as a token for God’s guidance, protection, and security throughout the period and the success he achieved during the last primaries where he performed so well. The message to all children is that it is possible to overcome difficulties and succeed in life.”

The donation was received by the authorities at the Kumasi Children’s Home, who expressed their gratitude to the Assin Central MP.

“Words cannot express our happiness”, said Mabel Pinamang Boamah the Home Manageress. “And on behalf of the Ministry of Gender and Children Protection and the Department of Social Welfare, and Management, we thank the Honourable for stretching his hands to the Kumasi Children’s Home. May the good Lord bless him and may he also attain his political desires as well.”

The Kumasi Children’s Home is a residential Home for Children run by the State. The Home was established in 1965 by the Government to provide care, protection, and shelter to vulnerable children.

It has so far registered and houses 73 inmates, according to figures published by the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection.


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