Kumasi: MTN Ghana kicks off 30-day Y’ello Care Challenge


MTN Ghana on Wednesday (5 June) launched its 30 Days of Y’ello Care Challenge in Kumasi, the Ashanti Regional capital.

This initiative marks an evolution of the annual 21 Days of Y’ello Care, which has now been expanded to 30 days to celebrate MTN’s 30th anniversary.

This year’s theme, “Education for Rural and Remote Communities – Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow,” highlights the transformative power of education in driving socio-economic growth and preparing the youth for the future.

MTN Y’ello Care is a group-wide employee volunteerism programme that enables staff to actively engage in community development projects across MTN’s operating countries.

Since its inception in 2007, the initiative has impacted millions and hundreds of communities across the continent.

At the launch, the General Manager for the Northern Sector at MTN Nii Adottey Mingle outlined several key initiatives, including the drilling of a number of boreholes in senior high schools across the region, providing digital tools to bridge the educational divide, and supporting school feeding programs through garden projects.

These efforts aim to address critical issues in rural education and foster an equitable digital future for Ghana.

The 30 Days of Y’ello Care Challenge is now officially underway, with MTN Ghana employees ready to make a lasting impact on rural and remote communities.

Adottey Mingle encouraged all MTN employees to participate in volunteer activities.



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