NDC alleges NPP and police collusion in voter transfer irregularities in Ashanti Region


The Ashanti Regional leadership of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has raised serious allegations against the New Patriotic Party (NPP), accusing them of engaging in illegal activities during the ongoing voter transfer exercise.

According to Augustus Andrews Nana Akwasi, the Ashanti Regional Chairman of the NDC, these actions have created significant tension and chaos in the region.

In a statement released on June 7, 2024, Nana Akwasi claimed that the NPP, recognizing their poor performance and low turnout in certain constituencies, has resorted to busing voters from their strongholds into areas where their candidates are less popular.

He described this as a clear violation of electoral laws.

“The NPP, knowing very well of their poor performance and low turnout in some of their targeted constituencies during registration, has resorted to gerrymandering; that is, busing voters from their strongholds like Asokwa, Bantama, Oforikrom, Kwabre East just to name a few to constituencies where their candidates are unpopular and have basically lost touch with the constituents,” he stated.

The NDC Chairman identified the targeted constituencies as Ahafo Ano North (Tepa), Ahafo Ano South West (Mankranso), Ahafo Ano South East (Adugyama), Sekyere Afram Plains (Drobonso), and New Edubiasi. He also accused the Ghana Police Service of colluding with the NPP to facilitate these alleged illegal activities.

“The most atrocious aspect of this is the kind of backing the NPP has received from the Ghana Police Service to execute this malicious agenda. The police have provided enough men armed with weapons at these targeted constituencies to prevent our agents and well-meaning constituents from exercising their rights,” he added.

Nana Akwasi called on NDC members across the region to assist their agents in these constituencies, urging them to ensure that the will of the people prevails. He encouraged party members to stand firm and protect the integrity of the electoral process.

“We therefore call on all our party members across the region to assist our agents in these constituencies to insist in any means or form in making sure the will of the people within the constituency prevails,” he urged. “Our party members are entreated and instructed to hold firm all entry routes to these constituencies and protect them by preventing non-residents from these illegal transfers.”

In a stern warning to the Ghana Police Service, the NDC Chairman said that the party would not be intimidated and that there would be consequences for any actions or inactions that compromise the electoral process.

“We by this statement unambiguously wish to remind the Police Service that we will not be intimidated by insisting on our rights as citizens of Ghana, and that there will definitely be a day of reckoning for their actions and inactions,” he declared.


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