Nurse and Midwife educators threaten strike over delayed promotions, demand action in seven days


Members of the Nurse and Midwife Educators’ Society of Ghana have threatened to strike if the Ministry of Health does not address delayed promotions within seven days.

This action could disrupt academic activities in Nursing and Midwifery Training Colleges nationwide, their leaders have stated.

During the group’s Annual General Meeting at Ejisu in the Ashanti Region, Chairman Mathew Adamu Bakinam stressed the frustration among members and called for immediate action, including meetings and promotion roadmaps.

“For the past two years [we’ve received] no promotion letter and our members are extremely worried. They can no longer cope with the pressure that we put on them. And I want to state that leadership, in the next seven days, may not be able to control their members and we will be forced to lay down our tools.

We want them to call us for a meeting and give us the roadmap for promotions and those who have attended interviews and have not received their letters should receive their letters…I think that is the only language the government understands. They have to quickly come to our aid for us to arrive at our conclusion”, Bakinam said.

The Director of Technical Coordination at the Ministry of Health, Dr Hafiz Adam assured that the Ministry will work to resolve the concerns.

“I want to assure you that promotions are done this year, and also see to correcting your internal allowances,” he assured.

The annual general meeting was themed ‘The Use of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Nursing and Midwifery Education and Practice: The Situation in Ghana’.


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