Ohene Agyekum: ‘Agyapadie’ document Is a sinister scheme by a few individuals from Kyebi


Daniel Ohene Agyekum, a former Ambassador to the United States during John Evans Atta Mills’ administration, has criticized the Agyapadie document as a stark example of state resource capture. He claims that the document consolidates the nation’s wealth into the hands of a select few.


Despite President Nana Akufo-Addo’s denial of the document’s authenticity, former President John Dramani Mahama believes that its contents have been put into action.


At a press conference in Kumasi, Ohene Agyekum affirmed the document’s legitimacy and described it as a sinister plot by a small faction aiming to seize Ghana’s resources. He remarked, “This document is authentic and represents a very diabolical scheme by a small group of individuals from Kyebi. My understanding when people talk about the Akyem mafia is that it is wrong because I will argue that it is Kyebi mafia.”


Ohene Agyekum further warned that the Agyapadie document sets a perilous precedent for Ghana’s future, asserting that it serves not just as an administrative guideline but as a blueprint for the monopolization of the country’s resources by an elite group.

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