Ohene Ntow finds Govt’s inaction on SSNIT Hotels sale puzzling


Nana Ohene Ntow, a campaign aide for the Movement for Change, has expressed shock at the government’s failure to halt the contentious sale of Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) hotels to Rock City Hotel.


During an interview on “The Big Issue” on Channel One TV, hosted by Selorm Adonoo, Ntow questioned the government’s reluctance to cancel the controversial sale of SSNIT hotels despite widespread public opposition.


He passionately argued against the sale of Labadi Beach Hotel, emphasizing its consistent profitability and advocating for its exclusion from the privatization list. Ntow stated, “Labadi Beach Hotel is a performing asset,” criticizing its sale to a cabinet minister as “improper.” He elaborated, “I think whatever the procedure may be, a state agency sold to a cabinet minister is improper. I’m not saying it’s illegal or unconstitutional, I’m saying it is not proper, and it doesn’t sit well… It doesn’t make sense that the hotels are all loss-making. The facts on the ground don’t support that position. At least not for Labadi Hotel.”


Ntow highlighted that in 2022, Labadi Beach Hotel declared a dividend of GHC25 million to its sole shareholder, SSNIT, reinforcing his argument against the sale. He stressed, “TUC has waded into this matter because it involves workers’ monies and pensions. So how can the government divest itself of an investment that is financed by workers’ contributions into a public pension fund? And the government decides not to listen, I find that very strange. And I find a defense of that kind of transaction not acceptable to the people of Ghana.”


He reiterated, “At least the Labadi Beach Hotel is a performing asset. And if it is a performing asset, then it’s completely improper for the government under any circumstance to try and divest it into a private hand… Here is a cabinet minister of state, with one leg in government, and one leg in business. That is already controversial.”


Nana Ohene Ntow urged President Nana Akufo-Addo to intervene in the controversial sale of Labadi Beach Hotel, aligning with public sentiments to protect state assets. He argued, “I think that public decency requires that if the government is dealing with public funds, pension funds, workers’ funds, and at least the TUC has spoken. I think the government must listen… I think the government must unpack the whole transaction properly.”


Ntow concluded by appealing to the government and SSNIT to heed public concerns, stating, “If the public is giving you such a reaction, I don’t think the government or SSNIT should insist… SSNIT should listen to the sentiments of workers and their representatives and citizens of this land. If nothing at all, I think the President should intervene in this matter. The government must take a closer look at this matter.”

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