Okaikwei North: NDC member arrested for falsifying birth certificates

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An opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) member has been arrested by the police for allegedly falsifying documents to register three voters ahead of the December elections.

Two other suspects involved in the case are currently on the run, with police actively pursuing them, police sources said.

Documents obtained by Asaase News reveal that the arrested individual, whose name has not yet been disclosed, and the two fugitives falsified birth certificates for three individuals to add their names to the voter register in the Okaikwei North constituency. The names in question are Emmanuel Gakpe, Umar Salifu, and Davidson Yaw Boadzo.

A letter from the Birth and Death Registry confirmed the falsification, stating that none of the three names could be found in their records. The letter dated June 11, specifically noted, “All three names – Emmanuel Gakpe, Umar Salifu, and Davidson Yaw Boadzo – could not be traced in our records.”

Below is the letter:

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