Rev Obofour Declares: There’s no genuine man of God in Ghana


Rev. Obofour, founder and leader of the Anointed Palace Chapel (APC), has asserted that there are no genuine men of God or healers in Ghana, challenging his congregation to refocus their faith on God rather than on religious leaders.


In a candid address to his followers, Rev. Obofour emphasized that his statements were not directed at any specific pastor or church but aimed at encouraging believers to place their trust in God alone.


“Most of the pastors you believe in are failures. They have their own internal issues,” Rev. Obofour asserted. “Some are adulterers, engage in threesomes, commit fraud, and participate in illegal activities sometimes facilitated by the government. Some are simply schemers and scammers.”


He lamented the prevailing focus of many churches on financial gain rather than genuine spirituality and salvation, which, he believes, has compromised the integrity of spiritual leadership in Ghana.


“The authenticity is lost in Ghana. Don’t be swayed by the spiritual displays during preaching. Until God himself sends down the spirit, focus on your faith and salvation,” Rev. Obofour advised.


Rev. Obofour suggested that smaller, newer churches may hold more promise for authentic spiritual growth compared to well-established and widely respected ones.


Encouraging believers to nurture their personal relationship with God and fulfill their spiritual responsibilities, he cautioned against passing judgment on others.


“We are all sinners in the eyes of the Lord, none of us stand righteous before God, so do your part and leave the judgment to Him,” he concluded.

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