Richard Jakpa unfazed by Attorney-General’s Appeal threat




Richard Jakpa, the third accused in the ambulance trial, has expressed indifference towards the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, Godfred Yeboah Dame’s intention to appeal the Court of Appeal’s recent decision. The Court had acquitted and discharged Jakpa and Minority Leader Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson.


The Attorney-General has announced plans to take the case to the Supreme Court. However, Jakpa remains resolute and untroubled by this development. “I’m more than prepared; I’m always ready. If the Attorney-General wants to appeal to the Supreme Court, I will meet him there. Even if he seeks a review and wants to continue, I will meet him there. Wherever he wants to go, I will be there. I don’t have an issue at all,” Jakpa stated.


Jakpa added, “I’m ready for this government. All I can say is that my enemies and detractors have been put to shame. I have been vindicated.”


The Court of Appeal’s ruling overturned the High Court’s earlier order requiring Dr. Forson to present his defense in the ongoing ambulance case. This follows the High Court’s dismissal on June 6 of Dr. Forson’s application for a mistrial and an inquiry into the Attorney-General’s conduct.


The High Court judge had found no legal basis for Dr. Forson’s mistrial request or for probing the Attorney-General’s actions. On June 3, Dr. Forson had filed a supplementary affidavit seeking an order for a mistrial, injunction, or stay of proceedings. His legal team cited a leaked tape that allegedly showed the Attorney-General trying to influence Jakpa to implicate Dr. Forson.


In the affidavit, Dr. Forson’s team argued that the Attorney-General’s conduct warranted declaring a mistrial. “It has become necessary to file this affidavit to bring to the Court’s attention certain pertinent matters affecting the fair determination of the current application. I have since filing the application listened to a recording widely circulating in the media, showing the Attorney-General and A3 discussing evidence that A3 was expected to present. My counsel will seek permission to play this recording in court,” the affidavit stated.


Dr. Forson further contended that failing to order a mistrial under these circumstances, involving alleged misconduct by the Attorney-General, could undermine public confidence in the judiciary.


Ultimately, the Court of Appeal upheld Dr. Forson’s appeal in a 2:1 decision, leading to the acquittal and discharge of both Dr. Forson and Richard Jakpa.

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