VRA deputy CEO visits Mepe to assess resettlement needs


The Deputy Chief Executive (Services) for the Volta River Authority (VRA), Ing. Kenneth Arthur, visited Mepe to evaluate the condition of safe havens and secure land for new resettlement houses for those affected by the 2023 Akosombo and Kpong Dam controlled spillage.

This visit highlights the Authority’s commitment to the well-being of those impacted by the spillage. Ing. Arthur was accompanied by key figures, including the North Tongu District Chief Executive, Hon. Osborn Fenu, and NADMO Deputy Director General (Technical and Reforms), Seji-Saji.

During the visit, Ing. Arthur emphasized the strong partnership between the VRA, Mepe, and the affected communities. He assured the community of the Authority’s commitment to their welfare and the construction of new resettlement facilities.

Torgbe Korsi Nego, the Mankrado of the Mepe Traditional Area, praised the VRA’s proactive measures, stating, “It was timely and greatly needed by the affected residents.” He encouraged the Authority to continue their humanitarian efforts.

Osborn Fenu mentioned government measures to restore livelihoods and improve road access to the safe havens in Mepe.

The team also inspected established resettlement facilities, including the Citi FM pavilion and Safe Alternative Housing.


Source: Daily Mail GH

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