Workers at Labour Commission, GBC, NCCE, others threaten strike to demand 20% COLA


Members of the Public Sector Workers’ Union, PSWU, have threatened to lay down their tools to demand payment of ‘Cost of Living Allowance’, COLA.

In a statement issued on July 8, after an emergency meeting, the leadership of the PSWU noted that like other workers, Ghana’s economic crisis is having some adverse effects on their members across the country. They also expressed fear that the country’s return to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for financial support could further worsen their plight.

“The over 27,000 workers within the over 65 public sector institutions that make up the PSWU feel the economic crunch in their pockets, with each passing day, resulting in uncertainties in meeting basic needs. A possible return to the IMF further complicates the economic uncertainties faced by public sector workers and flashes back memories of harsh labour policies that disadvantage the ordinary worker.

Noticeably, a decision to enter into an IMF programme risk a return to a harsh industrial atmosphere rife with conditionalities such as the sale of critical and well-performing national assets, redundancies, freeze on employment, and freeze in wages (an intention denied by His Excellency the President during his Remarks at the 11th Quadrennial Delegates Conference of the TUC (Ghana) in Kumasi on23, March 2021)”, the PSWU statement said.

Other demands

“Further, for several workers who retired under the National Pensions (Amendment) Act,2014 (Act 883) which came into full force on 1st January 2020, the disparity in their lump sum payments as compared to those who retired under PNDCL 247 have not been resolved. This has led to the already vulnerable members of our society, the aged, going through further economic hardships despite the firm assurances of the President to resolve this matter as far back as 13th October 2020 in the heat of the elections campaign.”

The PSWU, made up of over 27,000 members has slated Tuesday, July 19 to declare an indefinite strike.

This means activities in notable government institutions including the National Labour Commission(NLC), an agency established under the Labour Act to facilitate and settle industrial disputes; the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation(GBC), among others, will grind to a halt if the government fails to address their demands.


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